The Biden administration said Friday it would again delay a decision on a regulation aiming to ban menthol-flavored cigarettes, citing the “historic attention” and “immense amount of feedback” on the controversial proposal by the Food and Drug Administration.

“This rule has garnered historic attention and the public comment period has yielded an immense amount of feedback, including from various elements of the civil rights and criminal justice movement,” Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said in a statement.

    6 months ago

    I’m done with smokers. Done. My patio is covered in cigarette butts because of jackasses who think it’s acceptable to toss butts out of windows. On the ground, etc. what other group just walks around, finishes their product and tosses the refuse on the ground? I’m sick of smokers, and at the vet least I think they should pay a premium for healthcare since I’m in a universal healthcare nation