Basically, that’s it.

I’m a French speaker, so I try to participate mainly on the French speaking communities such as !, !, !, but the issue is that apart from the 2-3 top ones, the others are usually very quiet.

I know it’s a chicken and egg problem (as you need content for people to come and participate), but for instance with movies, I’m always torn between posting the content in the French-speaking community, or the much larger !, where I know that the audience is much bigger. Same for science, history, most topics actually.

I don’t expect anyone to have a magical formula (the most obvious solution being just having more speakers of that language on Lemmy), but I was curious to see if other people in the same situation had insights to share.

    7 months ago

    I’m Dutch. The internet (and PCs in general) were for a long time an English first thing here in the Netherlands, except for news sites. So me not seeing Dutch content on Lemmy doesn’t bother me at all, since I’m used to only consume and engage in English on the internet. Also Dutch speaking internet communities tend to lean right, the crazy kind, so I rather avoid that.