Et si vous les classez dans les crustacés, vous les trouvez à croquer ou à vomir ?
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Title photo by Mike Locke
There are over 70 species of wētā in New Zealand
There are eleven species of giant wētā, most of which are larger than other wētā, despite the latter also being large by insect standards
Giant wētā are endemic to New Zealand and all but one species are protected by law because they are considered at risk of extinction
New Zealand Giant Weta by Ricky Wilson
[Deinacrida mahoenui] is endemic to the area of Mahoenui, New Zealand, and the world population for some time was restricted to a single patch of introduced gorse on farmland.
Deinacrida mahoenui [MAHOENUI GIANT WETA] by Zoomology
Un « nope », c’est classé direct :)
Je suis sûr que pas mal de gens traduirait bien le nom en “sauve-qui-peut”.
Ça fonctionne également très bien, en effet :)