Since there was already post about “what class” will you play. Choosing alignment is as important. So what alignment do you usually play and will chose for BG3?

I have replayed BG1 and 2 as chaotic neutral and Pathfinder kingmaker as chaotic good. This time I was thinking maybe lawful evil. Has anyone played early access with lawful evil? How did you feel about choices and consequences?

    1 year ago

    As near as I can tell from EA the game ditches the alignment system altogether with only Paladin having something close in their oaths.

    That said from the way that I’ve played through the EA so far my characters have fallen into NG for my Paladin, CN for my Barbarian, LE for my Bard, LN for my Wizard, and N for my Druid. So how I play it will probably depend on background and class.

    Edit: On the whole I think Larion’s version of the Inspiration system tied to character backgrounds will probably have a bigger impact than Alignment. A pool of 4 possible rerolls on failed skill checks/saves when needed, provided your choices reflect a party member’s background, is a fantastic system and one of the better means of implementing it in a video game that I’ve seen.