My current setup has my DHCP + DNS on my Unifi USG. However, as I have all my apps hosted on a different server (unifi, plex, home assistant, NAS, etc.) I’ve ran into issues trying to get things set up.

Basically, Unifi needs to know where the unifi server is, but it’s assigning the IP address to it.

Should I put DHCP+DNS onto it’s own system? Should I put it on my current server? And any non-Pi recommendations for systems? (I’ve had the PI filesystem clobber itself too many times)

Edit: I’m starting to think that the real problem is having UNIFI on the same system as the server, as it prevents me reconfiguring any of the server routing information without also disconnecting unifi…

Edit 2: I’m going to try switching the server from a static DHCP lease to a static IP. If that’s doesn’t work, then I think I’ll move the unifi server onto it’s own system. Thanks!

    10 months ago

    Meh, I didn’t mean to hate on DHCP. It’s just a service I have learned to keep running all by itself somewhere in a dark corner of my network. DNS and DHCP are just services that I don’t like going down. Ever.