As per title, how do y’all protect your privacy? … do not disclose your personal data tho haha

For example: besides a VPN i started using Matrix for messaging and Keybase for encrypted storage instead of telegram and google drive, and I self host most of the hosting I need including my own mail server and nextcloud appliance.

I am curious, show me how you hide!

    10 months ago
    • My well known smartphone and Linux/Windows computing guides
    • Not giving data, or giving bad data
    • Using less internet/technology and touching more grass
    • Prioritising your fitness and mental health is key

    I have understood the psychology of capitalism, consumerism, human biochemistry and audio-visual effects used to manipulate us in order to construct a blueprint for my life. My work is almost done and I will certainly end up freeing myself from these unnecessary and manufactured societal and life problems.