I own a condo and have one dog and one cat. They get along and play all the time, but I feel like the cat is often lonely and missing a cuddling companion. He’s a rescue who was a street cat for years before I adopted him. I’ve been considering fostering or adopting another cat to give him company. Thoughts?

  • selokichtli@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    Well, I have two cats, both with a street history. My first cat had it hard in the streets and we did learn a lot with him. He probably was a street cat for a year, but after living in a home, since he came sterilized. The guy couldn’t even meow for two years, he learned to trust us mostly because of hunger. I love, admire, and respect that cat.

    While being very comfortable with us, this first cat used to play with our feet. When we were walking away from him, he would hunt our heels, for example. So, I thought he could have a partner so they could hunt or something. I also thought that all kind of collective behaviors would appear if he was not alone as a cat. We brought another street cat home. This one was juvenile, not a kitty but soon an adult. We thought he still was well taken care of by people he crossed by, kitty cat cuteness survival. Wouldn’t last much longer.

    At first it was hard, my first cat is serious business with his territory. He learnt this the hard way. So we kept them separate, gave them time to know each other through sound and smell. Little by little we allowed them to know each other, until they got accustomed. It’s great to have two cats, you will ‘unlock’ all kind of behaviors that will make your days if you like to just watch cats. My first cat learnt to meow or maybe he just became confident enough. Oh, it was awesome to listen to him for the first time, so shy. It was a bit unfortunate that the second one learnt to be overly vigilant of surrounding noises, like the first.

    They can fight sometimes, but most of the time they mind their own business. In the end, cats are masters of ‘homing’, meaning to me culturing and experiencing their home, all the time. They make the other cats part of their home… eventually.