I should add that I’d also take care of the more self-centered stuff like taking making sure my me and my girlfriend/*, parents and brother won’t have to work a day in ours lives (unless we fuck it up but I’d try to find someone capable and trustworthy who would take care of it).
/* and since I’d never want her to feel captive I’d make sure all paperwork was done to allow her to walk with her money anytime, no matter what.
I should add that I’d also take care of the more self-centered stuff like taking making sure my me and my girlfriend/*, parents and brother won’t have to work a day in ours lives (unless we fuck it up but I’d try to find someone capable and trustworthy who would take care of it).
/* and since I’d never want her to feel captive I’d make sure all paperwork was done to allow her to walk with her money anytime, no matter what.