I’m really curious where else everyone here hangs out on the internet besides Lemmy.

I myself am frequently on discord with my wife and friends playing games. I’ve also found myself in and around smaller blogs spaces like Kev Quirk and related people. Reddit used to be a place for me to hang out but I never found a community that I felt connected to. I don’t know if YouTube would be considered a place to hang out, but I frequently spend way more time there than I should. IRC used to be a great place for me.

So, where are your favorite places?

  • Saigonauticon@voltage.vn
    1 year ago

    Hacker News, mainly.

    Sometimes I log on to Reddit to help travelers to my country or hobbyists trying to learn engineering. I try to avoid discussion on Reddit as the quality is often not high, e.g. lots of tourists asking how to commit crimes in my country – better to just not answer.

    For discussion I go here, it’s much more interesting.

    IRC has always been pretty cool. I might go back to that one day. For now this is just the part of my life where I try to make money and don’t have much time to socialize.

      • Saigonauticon@voltage.vn
        1 year ago

        Oh that’s ancient history. I don’t think they are around anymore. Used to be on the one for the local hackerspace before they moved to Mattermost.

        Then a few for technical assistance with various tools.