Man, I still regret not getting in on it in the begining when you could mine with consumer hardware you weren’t using. Back when it was almost entirely hypothetical and nowhere accepted them for anything. People treating them like play money and “tipping” posts on reddit.
So they casually tipped with something worth a mill. Funny thing, I did get into minning, and earned 0.000003 Bitcoins before thinking it’s stupid af, would cost more in bills, and quit
Oh man, would I love to take back my MLL knowledge and build an AI to farm bitcoins for me.
Man, I still regret not getting in on it in the begining when you could mine with consumer hardware you weren’t using. Back when it was almost entirely hypothetical and nowhere accepted them for anything. People treating them like play money and “tipping” posts on reddit.
So they casually tipped with something worth a mill. Funny thing, I did get into minning, and earned 0.000003 Bitcoins before thinking it’s stupid af, would cost more in bills, and quit