Any takers? Any?
Any takers? Any?
God I don’t know how anyone like the haptic feedback. Turn that shit off.
Swiping is pretty cool though.
For countertops yes, because it replaced cheap I don’t even know what it is countertops. But this is the first I heard about flooring.
Interesting I never thought about why there are two terms for it.
Before the party switch the right wing was Democrats. Just as bad that they want “democracy” when they want a King. But I think it was they wanted majority rule over black people. “Teehee, see it’s majority rule to segregate. Teehee, see it’s majority rule to not fund black schools.”
Again, seriously?
Today’s discontinuation announcement was brought about by the acquisition of Humane by HP, which is buying the company’s intellectual property for $116 million
The article says they bought the IP. For someone so snarky you sure have it wrong. Now with a merger of fucking course you get employees with it, that’s how it works. But Mr snark, the article says they bought it for the IP.
But let’s talk business. Now what’s a cheaper way if you want the employees? You offer them a job. Costs nothing. Most would be happy to take it. How many staff were even left, after the obvious product failure, layoffs, and the best people seeing the writing on the wall and leaving. You’re gonna pay what at least a cool half million per employee? Talk about a finders fee, instead of just offering them a job.
Can’t wait to see how you try to snark your way out of that. I probably won’t respond, not worth it when you act like that.
Sigh. I know it’s not the product, I know HP bought the IP. i can’t see how there is any significant IP from this company in development of this product.
I have a hard time seeing much patentable. They can’t just patent ‘wearable pin’, it has to be much more specific.
10,000 buyers. Yeah, no.
Even it was much higher, yeah no.
Really doubt that was it.
What the hell does hp see in IP in this?
I had never heard of it. From wiki
The Ai Pin is a wearable device, meant to be attached to the user’s shirt at chest level. It is a voice assistant and cellular phone, equipped with a camera, and a limited monochrome “screen” that’s projected onto the user’s hand on demand. The user mostly interacts with the device through a small touchpad, and also hand gestures when the projection screen is active.[15]
The Ai Pin has received generally negative reviews, praising its product design but criticizing the limited battery life and how easily the device overheats in just a few minutes.[23][24] The New York Times reported that due to overheating problems, Humane executives would use ice packs to chill the pin before previewing it to investors or partners.[14]
The Verge wrote, “After many days of testing, the one and only thing I can truly rely on the Ai Pin to do is tell me the time.”[23] The review from Inverse stated that it “is slow to answer even basic questions.”[24] Fast Company noted that “Almost everything about the pin was a UX disaster for reviewers.”[25]
What the hell does hp see in this?
* Sigh. I know it’s not the product, I know HP bought the IP. i can’t see how there is any significant IP from this company in development of this product.
I’m betting on IBM!
Are inspirational posters coming back?
They took all the lessons learned from the satanic panic and the gay panic and applied them to the next target.
Kinda looks like the whitest kids you know guy.
The exact number is unclear, but the layoffs are part of a broader Health and Human Services plan to eliminate 5,200 jobs.
Wiki says HHS has 83,500 employees, so that represents 6.3%.
Now that I read the article, that 5200 is just probationary workers, they definitely want to lay off more.
Run the tap water to get to hot water. Clean the filter. Run one of those cleaning tablets to dissolve calcium buildup.
Someone needs to watch technology connections.
Might as well use a typewriter. https://youtu.be/o4nwe7cW_og