Gasp! …Legendary earths?
That was a great watch, thanks!
I’m Battle for Wesnoth, after clearing a map it showed a statistic about how lucky you’d been in your dice rolls. Which really meant how often you’d rerun dice rolls by saving and loading. When it said something like “370% above average luck”, I realized that, oh shit, the game knows?!
That’s what’s shown for Rainbow 6.
No, so try to keep it short.
nearly killed me a good few times
“The ice taps back”
When I take off, well, I know I’m gonna be
I’m gonna be the drone who takes off towards you
When I blow up, yeah, I know I’m gonna be
I’m gonna be the drone who blows along with you
If I get jammed, well, I know I’m gonna be
I’m gonna be the drone who gets jammed next to you
And if I reach ya, yeah, I know I’m gonna be
I’m gonna be the drone who’s reaching down to you
But I would fly six hundred miles
And I would fly four hundred more
Just to be the drone who flew a thousand
Miles to fall down on your door
Why would you be happy about their money going to even less deserving people?..
The Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of 1373 was signed on 16 June 1373 between King Edward III of England and King Ferdinand I and Queen Leonor of Portugal. It established a treaty of “perpetual friendships, unions [and] alliances” between the two seafaring states, and remains the longest-standing treaty still in effect today.
You have a point, buuut: photons don’t experience time or distance. Leaving the star and hitting the bull’s eye happen in the same instant for them, no matter how many billions of light years apart they are. From the point of view of the photon, the bull’s eye is touching that star in that other galaxy. For just that single instant in time.
It can also be pronounced like “strih-neen” (which is more in line with the way it’s pronounced in almost every other language).
No, it’s just a distraction.
What ads do you mean? If it was a link to Twitter, I’d understand, but this is to Deutsche Welle.
And after that?
That’s a great example!
I discovered that the grouchy, irritable and angry part of me was not “just my personality”, it was an emotional overlay that colored the rational self which lay underneath…
To me it sounds like you have low levels of serotonin. It made me irritable and easily angered too.
Medicine that helps with that are SSRIs (antidepressants). You have to ask a psychiatrist about those. Or, if you don’t want to go full medical about it, try a 5-HTP over-the-counter supplement, which is a serotonin building block. And also ease up on masturbation… It drains your serotonin.
You don’t even have to take these for very long. They have a side-effect of making you sleepy, because serotonin is processed into melatonin. Take them on and off just enough to get some perspective on how artificial your mood is, which is when you’ll gain a level of control that will stay with you even after you’ve stopped taking the medicine.
I believe the benefit is making the situation more dangerous and unpredictable, which increases the gravity of the concessions Europeans are willing to make just have it all stop.