Is this automatic?
Is this automatic?
Avoidance works pretty well for a lot of things. There’s a reason humans have evolved these behaviours.
Sorry to hear that. FYI this is unintuitive but “strong immune system” would mean you would have a worse reaction to the infection.
People often die just as much because their immune system overreacts to infections, than the infection directly killing them.
All that stuff, fever, coughing, phelm, is a consequence of your immune system fighting the infection. Not inherent to the infection itself.
(This is one of my pet peeves, sorry, a strong immune system is just as bad as a weak one, from your life experience it sounds like yours is perfectly balanced).
Ah I hate that. TFW I wake up to like 30 inbox messages after knowing I said something controversial.
(With me it’s usually when I posted something about advancing disability rights).
And I just don’t have the mental energy to check it out, so I mark all as read and pretend nothing happened lol.
WHO doesn’t have a great track record on COVID either. They denied it was airborne for years even though we had sufficient evidence to say so in 2021.
It blocks popular VPN services. I doubt your work is a recognised VPN IP.
One of those laptop academics was just promoted to head of the NIH 😭😭
I want to leave this timeline.
Honestly it’s working fine for me. I torrent shows and movies and I switch between TGX 1337X and TPB, based on offering and I can always find what I need, and download it in a reasonable time.
I’m trying to work on seeding better though, I can’t manage to crack that 0.8 ratio yet.
Yep. Problem is the user is on ios where it is at best a massive pain to torrent and at worst impossible.
The big discovery was salty water, not water.
Instead of an editorialised version — here is the original paper. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-024-02418-1
I think server admins can access. It makes sense moderation wise, if for keeping a tab on alts for enforcing permabans.
Yes, but as long as you don’t reveal your identity, they can’t do much to track you.
They don’t have access to your IP.
Of course, it you’re using the same username over multiple services, or reveal identifying information (which is much easier to analyse now due to AI) they will be able to track you.
we’ve got a couple regulars posting on !chronicillness@lemmy.world so we get atleast two posts a week nearly no matter what which is cool.
I don’t think we need to force ourselves to be more active than that. Threads that get big on our community attract a lot of non-disabled people who say discriminatory stuff and it becomes a moderation headache.
The comm was intended as a support group but sometimes becomes a sort of debate group when non-disabled people try to share their “views” on our disabilities. So those big threads may not really be serving their purpose.
@bjoern_tantau@swg-empire.de is really carrying it with their weekly threads.
Looks cool. I’m voluntarily blocking lemmy.ml so I can’t see your community. But if you move it I’ll be happy to scroll through, I love fantasy genre.
I think the best way to go is have a suscribed feed for nicheish and low-medium post density communities you like.
And then use the c/all feed as a sort of frontpage thing where you get memes and news and stuff.
More like: Researchers identify gene change in humans, that is leads to vocalisation differences when changed in Mice. Researchers speculate gene change is linked to origins of spoken language.
We really need more nuance in scientific reporting. These headlines are so filled with hyperbole they become close to outright lies.