A couple of weeks ago I made a post in programmerhumor on an alt that one of my friends posted in my sms groupchat
You’ve ascended to heights we could never hope to achieve.
You when seeing the post:
Upvoting and commenting should be separate levels! There’s a huge difference in effort there :)
It’s a good feeling if anyone shares one that you made. I hope one day I might find a meme I created floating around on the internet somewhere.
i’ve seen shit of mine get reposted and it’s like 70% pride and 30% ‘those could have been my button clicks’
me saving this to send to my friends:
Level 4 impossible due to lack of friends.
We’re all friends here.
So - i guess, we just don’t exist‽
3 and 4 should be turned around. Copying a link and sending it to my friends is something I often do, but invoking a reply? That’s gotta be top tier.
friends? tf is this, tiktok