note: i did NOT create the ASCII art. I’m not good enough to do that. I found on various ascii art archives as well as those image to ascii art converters for the continents I couldn’t find.
countryguess was a project I made recently because I wanted to make a quiz that could be customised as you see fit. Also, I had no clue how to make GUIs with Python and ASCII art is cool so I decided to roll with it. It turned out pretty cool!
I made the maps by printing the ASCII art map, and then all the spaces that make up each country would be an array. These arrays would fill up the spaces like morocco[0], morocco[1], etc.
Then, when the country is guessed, the country (or an alternate name/abbrviation, such as uk for the united kingdom or ivory coast for cote d’ivoire) is matched with its index in the list of countries in that continent.
A second list contains all the countries that show up on the map (excluding citystates, islands, etc. that aren’t big enough to be shown on the map) and has all the countries as either 0 (false) or 1 (true). Whenever the country is guessed, its respective list item turns into 1.
The map printing function checks each list item for whether it is true or false. If it is true, then the list of spaces for that country would be replaced with a list of equal length and equal number of characters but with hashes “#” instead of spaces " ". This means that, when the county is printed, hashes are printed instead of spaces and the country fills up
I’ve got africa, europe, north america, and oceania completed. I haven’t yet made the map for asia because it’s HUGE, and south america I haven’t done yet as well. Also, central/eastern europe is VERY out of proportion and will be fixed…eventually. (i.e. long romanian panhandle)
other fun features I added include the ability to enable/disable disputed territories (Western Sahara, Kosovo, and Somaliland bc why not) and the U.N. observer states (the Vatican and Kosovo) as well as score saving to a “scores.txt” that shows the date, time, and name of quiz that you complete along with your score.
once I finished all the continents, I’ll work on making a world quiz with ALL the countries. other things like capital quizzes and flag quizzes could be added on later, but that’s likely very far into the future.
here are some more screenshots:
north america
the github link if you want to look at the code or just have a go at the quiz:
I’ve created a PR for this to be added to nixpkgs:
Have you considered adding a license to your repository so that it can be packaged in repositories? And a pyproject.toml or That would help us in nixpkgs specifically
what do those do?
Well, adding a code license alllows other people to use your code. Technically now, you reserve all rights to your code and it is illegal for us to look at it or use it.
Those other two make it easier to manage dependencies and setup python virtual environments. Additionally, they allow the package to be more easily to software repositories like Nixpkgs or Debian or Arch. It’s also just an industry standard. Poetry has been used to manage pyprojects for years, but uv is a popular tool too and what I use.
oh okay, what’s the best license? what’s the difference between CC, MIT, etc.
I’ll look at setting up python virtual environments later, they seem pretty important to at least learn how to use
CC, depending on which version you choose, is pretty much open domain. I personally would stay away from it for code, but there isn’t really anything wrong with it. MIT is also pretty permissive, but derivative copies of your work need to acknowledge that you wrote the code. GPL is something called Copyleft. It protects both you, your users, and your code to the highest degree. You retain the copyright but also anyone who takes your work and modifies it must also give their source code with the program. I’m simplifying here some, but I recommend you look up the definition of Copyleft licenses, its history, and why the GPL is so important. I emphatically recommend that you choose the GPLv3. But in all reality, there is no “best”. It depends on what matters to you and how you want the code to be used.
It is definitely an important topic to learn about. To be honest, I’m surprised you programmed as far as you did without knowing about them. Great work.
ok, I see. It seems that MIT let you do whatever with the code, whereas GPL seems like the same thing, but with an * that any derivatives must be open-source as well. I’ll put the license on my repos then.
Regarding the dependencies you might want to check out
note: i did NOT create the ASCII art. I’m not good enough to do that. I found on various ascii art archives as well as those image to ascii art converters for the continents I couldn’t find.
$ telnet
Zoom is “a” and “z”, arrow keys pan, “q” quits.
Can produce a map of wherever at whatever zoom.
oh damn that’s kinda cool
This is so cool!
Traceback (most recent call last): File "<redacted>\countryguess\", line 3, in <module> from art import * ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'art'
you might want to add a requirements.txt
oop yep that’s probably important. I’ve added that to the repo!
wow that’s… quite a list. Are you sure you need them all? What are you using like redis, yt-dlp or spotifyapi, ytmusicapi for??
oh wait shoot did it just add all the modules installed on my computer…damn… how do I make a proper requirements.txt? that pip command definitely didn’t do it…
only rye
Are you using a virtual env to isolate the environment of the game from the rest ofyour system? There are a few ways/tools to do it but maybe start here:
is venv important/neccesary?
Neccessary? No. You showed that by coding this with your main python environment. Important? Yes. Using a project specific virtual python environment allows you to only use the modules needed and protects your main environment from malware packages and incompatible packages that could not play well with your OS and other projects you are working on.
oop okay maybe my next project should use a virtual python enviornment then
It’s a bit like using directories/folders to organise your work - you don’t have to have separate projects in separate folders but it really helps the more projects you have going on. Also once you have two Python projects that require different versions of the same dependency things will get messy.
oh yep that makes sense
not really
ok haha, I guessed something like that must’ve happened
ok I fixed it, it should just be “art” (a library to make ascii art) and “colorama” (easier coloured text)
another upside to this quiz over things like Sporcle is that since it’s a python program, you don’t need an internet connection to play it.
besides weird central/eastern europe chaos, there’s also no islands that are highlighted at all in north america, not even the big ones like cuba or haiti/dominican republic. I will probably add those at some point, but that’ll be later.
Cool project!
Ah Python, the Facebook of programming languages.
Ah, facebook of opinions
python is fun, the syntax is very easy and it makes it simple to just go make a cool project
As long as I continue to sometimes waste hours of my life on irresolvable dependency hell, after exactly following the “deploy my project” instructions, trying with multiple environment managers (venv, conda, poetry), watching my system environment somehow get broken even though I’m using some kind of virtual environment (happened to me just last week), I will continue to AGGRESSIVELY have the opinion that
- The only reason we’re all still here is everybody else is.
- The only reason someone would actually voluntarily CHOOSE this tech stack, in 2025, is for comfort zone reasons, they don’t know any better reasons, their boss told them to reasons, or the libraries they need are ONLY here reasons.
Thus the Facebook of programming languages.
And oh yeah, “so use docker.” Dude, if your ecosystem only works reliably in carefully controlled containers, in 2025, the problem is your shitty shitty, stupid, chronically broken ecosystem, not me for being frustrated with it.
This problem IS AND HAS BEEN so bad that every few years someone does a WHOLE NOTHER BIG PROJECT to try to solve it, so now we have multiple buggy ass environment resolvers, non of which work well enough to be considered anything other than an embarrassment to the community, when compared with say the modern Lua or Rust ecosystems.
Like this stack ALL YOU WANT, I not only don’t get it, I’m (I believe justifiably) grumpy and frustrated because when I want to use your shit, now I have to use this crummy stack. Thanks for that Python advocates. I’m so grateful to you for that. Thanks so very very much.
THUS the Facebook of programming languages. Facebook is “fun” and “easy to get started with” too. Lua is JUST AS EASY to get started with, but its’ ecosystem doesn’t do this to me. Explain that, if you can.
I know you’re human beings like me and you deserve compassion, but damn it, I have wasted SO MUCH TIME trying to get your broken, buggy ass shit to work, and I’m VERY frustrated about it. You’re not gonna talk me down.
I don’t care about how easy or fun the syntax is. The syntax is irrelevant to me. I care about how borked up and bloated the ecosystem is, and how so many “here’s how you deploy my project” instructions fail horribly to work due to unexplainable dependency conflicts, and how fragile and unstable and specific and unforgiving the complex web of virtual environments (and their multiple different managers) are just to run some 5,000 line script someone wrote that requires shittylib 2.1.3 and pieceofgarbagemodule 0.5.1, but shittylib 2.1.3 requires abandonedproject 4.1.1 and pieceofgarbagemodule 0.5.1 requires abandonedproject 3.0.99 and “pip failed to resolve dependencies after 15 minutes of installing shit because we didn’t write it to do that, fuck you, hahaha, modify your requirements.txt to use a different version of abandonedproject lol!” That shit is unacceptable in the modern world, given the alternatives available.
I will die on this hill, regardless of hate and downvotes.
The hate and down votes are not for having an opinion on the language, they are for self-righteously proclaiming that opinion in inappropriate places. Someone sharing a cool project they made is not the place to start gatekeeping their choice of tech. That’s just being an asshole.
p.s. your point that facebook is “easy to get started with” isn’t very good, since that would apply to most popular social media. think Instagram, Whatsapp, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. they all make it really easy to make an account because they want you suck you in. that’s the whole point of social media!
does this issue not apply to other programming languages? dependency hell exists outside of python too yk…
allso, I’m not using too many modules for this, most of it is “vanilla” python, if you will. I’ve only got a module that makes it easier to create coloured text and another one to generate ascii art. maybe the latter uses a few extra modules, but this project is relatively small and simple and it’s just a funny little game. I actually used to not use the ascii art generator module before and just used to text to ASCII art generators, but it was getting really annoying having to backslash all the backslashes
does this issue not apply to other programming languages? dependency hell exists outside of python too yk…
This is like I have a swimming pool and a snapping turtle from the local estuary sometimes ends up camped out in it. But YOU have a swimming pool and it’s full of alligators. When I complain that I don’t wanna go in your swimming pool, you’re like “Doesn’t yours ALSO sometimes have dangerous reptiles?” And I’m like…dude…
I’m been a developer for a long time. I know what a normal amount of pain is. This stack causes an ABNORMAL amount of pain, like badly designed exercise equipment a bunch of sycophantic fitness bros keep pumping on social media, even though it regularly causes back injuries.
I think Python devs only think it’s normal because you’re used to it or something.
allso, I’m not using too many modules
Great, but you picked a stack in the middle of a toxic garbage dump. Maybe it’s the clean part of the garbage dump. IDK. I just wish people would stop, because there are so many awesome stacks out there, so I don’t have MORE reasons to have to wade back in here.
And THAT is the origin of the Facebook analogy (the only reason I have to keep using this is because EVERYBODY ELSE IS).
I’m LITERALLY going through Python dependency hell again right this very second, trying to deploy some shit we need for next week and I’m just like I swear to god, this motherfucking broken ass ecosystem