The table is quite big (190+ lines of hand-written HTML) and it doesn’t fit on mobile phone screens unless you zoom out. It should be fine on desktop. It also specifies the criteria followed and has analysis of some of the IMs in the table (not close to all of them, I hope to add more analysis in the future).

Counter-arguments are always welcome. Sources and additional information too. Note that the typical privacy recommendation (Signal) is not recommended here. It does not meet our criteria, being centralized and requiring a phone number. I don’t want to hate on Signal since it’s doing a decent job spreading the importance of E2EE, however we can not recommend it for the given reasons.

  • 👁️👄👁️
    1 year ago

    There’s a million of these lists, all chosen critera’s chosen carefully or outright false to fit their bias. Like why the hell is electron mentioned in a privacy comparison? XMPP is a protocol too, not a client, which makes comparison to Element make no sense, why would they not compare it to Matrix and ignore all of their other features? This list is complete shit.